There’s so much more to nutrition than the science knowledge itself. Peel back the layers, and uncover what drives our eating decisions.


We live in an era where people cook less and eat in a hurry, yet are preoccupied with the way food impacts their health more than ever.

It’s quite a paradox.

Whether you are looking for a professional career in the field of health and wellness or are simply educating yourself further to take health into your own hands, the opportunities these days are endless. And so is the amount of information available. There’s a sea of knowledge, along with many conflicting pieces of advice.

While nutrition information is interesting and exciting in itself, when it comes to food, there’s always a human being involved. And that’s when the relationship between food, eating, and its many layers of complexity become increasingly fascinating as you dive deeper.

Society. Cultural messages.  

Personal knowledge. Personal preference.

Socioeconomic status. Food availability.

Religion. Cooking skills. Family history.

Health goals. Body image.

It becomes less so about the knowledge, and more about how we allow external environment and societal constraints shape our beliefs around food.

And when those rules are removed, a different picture emerges.

Less about black-and-white thinking. More about color and creativity in the kitchen.

Less about guilt and shame. More about joy and happiness.

Less about rules and should’s. More about embracing and trusting your intuition and inner wisdom.

Less about goals. More about progress.

Less fear, more care.

We can begin to give ourselves permission to eat in a way that honors our body’s physical needs. One that is from a place of care and without moral judgment attached to neither the food nor the eating.

Where we can learn to use our knowledge of nutrition and look at food as supportive, and be aware that this may change depending on context and circumstances.

Removing the rigid rules of diet mentality is a path of courage and care, of kindness and compassion, of trust and discernment.

It is a way of looking after ourselves in the best way we can, because we are worth it.

Adapted from the original article.

Linn Thorstensson, PGDip is a Registered Nutritional Therapist based in County Cork, Ireland, with a focus on helping people heal their relationship with food and eating.  Through a mindful eating and self-compassionate approach, Linn has made it her mission to empower others to recognize the power of nutritious foods and putting ourselves first. Learn more about Linn at Straightforward Nutrition.